- Family and friends: This is the biggest thing that I miss. The more I'm away the more I miss those that I love. I feel so lucky and treasured to have such fantastic and loving family and friends and its such a joy to see them and for them to take time out of their days to visit little ol' me while I'm home. Thanks for taking the time out to go to dinner with me, come out for drinks, send me an e-mail, come over to visit, travel to say hello, etc., I miss and love you all!
- Longer store opening hours: On Wednesday night, I was clothes shopping in Times Square at 11PM. Is the American obsession with long shopping hours and 24 hour retail convenience necessary? No, I suppose not; but, is it convenient? Abso-stinkin-lutely and I take full advantage of it. When I visit it takes me a few days to remember that I don't have to plan my day and weekends around Swiss Saturday shopping hours and it is glorious to just pop into a store whenever I want to.
- Prices: Is it really possible to buy wine in a grocery store for $3?! Wow, I seem to have forgotten the great deals that come along with US stores. I also just purchased my wedding dress while home in the US for a ridiculously cheap price compared to the Swiss wedding dress prices I have been seeing around Geneva - score!
- American food: HELLOooooo pancakes, eggs, english muffins, and bacon! I've missed you my friends. Among my other favorite American friends: Lawry's garlic salt, American Mexican food, cupcakes, Sam Summer beer, Sour Patch kids, and the list goes on and on....
- Patriotism: Maybe this is just me because I'm glad to be back in the US each time or maybe its just because I spent several days in NYC, but the spirit and pride of the American people always pleasantly surprises me each time I visit. Whether its the flag lit up in lights in times square or a flag-decorated Budweiser beer car or the blessed "welcome home" from the customs agent, this country is full of great pride for its people and country and I'm proud to be American because of that.
- Disorder and mayhem: Give me some personal space people! There's nothing like going from orderly, peaceful, line-loving Switzerland to being dropped in the middle of Times Square insanity for the week. Walking out of my hotel room felt like fighting a daily battle with pedestrians each day and I'm also surprised by how LOUD Americans are in every day interactions compared to what we have gotten used to in Europe.
- Cleanliness: I never thought of the US as a particularly dirty place (and I still don't), but I find myself thinking "this bus wouldn't be nearly as dirty if I were in Switzerland" or "there's no way that trash would be left on the street if I were in Switzerland". I think I've become spoiled with the Swiss pursuit of cleanly perfection.
- Ease of public transportation: I am reminded that public transportation is often the least favorite choice of transportation in America for a reason!
- Unhealthy culture: I'm all for chocolate and fondue every now and then (ok maybe more often than just every now and then), but the plethora of unhealthy food options and overweight people in America is distinctly apparent in comparison to Switzerland.
I love you America, we all have good and not-so-good sides :) This weekend I'm spending time with family and friends in NH and loving every minute. Happy weekend y'all!