
Monday, April 22, 2013

Operation Beach Body

As I alluded to in my last post, we have had indulged a bit too much in local Swiss delicacies this past winter (i.e., cheese and chocolate).  So a few weeks ago we decided to embark on "Operation Beach Body", which just translates into stop eating cheese and chocolate, get our butts off the couch and go for runs, and eat healthy food. So, we have set a goal of running a half marathon in Fribourg, Switzerland on June 23 and we have been making lots of healthy meals at home.

Now I know this isn't exactly a food blog and what I'm about to share with you really has nothing to do with Switzerland -- but in the spirit of healthier living this spring, I wanted to share our new weeknight dinner obsession -- spring rolls! The ingredients are surprisingly easy to find in grocery stores here because there are big international sections in the grocery stores to accommodate all of the expats from around the world. So we buy spring roll wrappers at the store and once its meal time, we quickly soak them one at a time in hot water to soften them.  Next, we fill each one with all kinds of deliciousness, mainly grilled/curry-flavored tofu, cold rice noodles, shredded carrots, sliced cucumbers, chopped avocado, chopped cilantro, and sweet chili sauce.  The best part about this meal is that you can prepare the ingredients on the weekend and save them in tupperwares for weeknight meals so that all you need to do come dinner time is dunk the wrapper in water and stuff it full of goodies, and Voila, its like a burrito except WAY healthier! Join us in Operation Beach Body by trying the spring rolls out for yourself and leave us a comment to let us know what you think (especially if you come up with new filler combinations!)

The yummy goodies in pre-wrapped form
The finished product
Whenever we eat dinner, Pumpkin jumps up into a chair next to us to join in on the company :)


  1. You guys are seriously way too cute. Your spring rolls sound so tasty - we will have to give it a go ourselves. We're really loving Gwyneth's new cookbook for healthy, super easy recipes these days. I can send you some of our favorites if you'd like?

  2. they are SO tasty! would LOVE to see some of her recipes, we are always on the lookout for quick and healthy meals!
