
Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Quick and delightful trip to Florida

Last week I needed to be in Toronto for work on a Friday and NYC for work on a Monday with no plans for my birthday weekend in between and no way I was hopping a plane back to Switzerland for such a short time in between.  What's a girl to do?   Well, it just so happened that my entire family was going to be at my parents' house in the Florida Keys for that same weekend. So after much last minute research on flights, I found myself flying to Florida for less than 48 hours to spend some QT (translation: quality time) with my fam.  Even though the trip was short it was the PERFECT way to spend my birthday weekend.  I was able to spend time with my family, play in the ocean/sun, check out my parents' new house, visit out our wedding reception location that we had booked without ever seeing before (!), eat some delicious US food, enjoy some birthday cupcakes, and just relax.  Although I took 4 flights within 4 days, I couldn't have been happier to spend my birthday weekend with my family - minus Ryan unfortunately :(

Jumping off the boat into the pretty blue ocean :)
The palm pavilion at Post Card Inn is the location of our wedding reception!

1 comment:

  1. So fun!!!! I'm so behind on your blog.... agh.
