
Monday, September 29, 2014

"Paris always a good idea" -- Audrey Hepburn

Ryan's brother (Rob) and sister-in-law (Coralie) and her brother traveled to France last month to visit with Coralie's family from France. We drove up from Geneva to meet them in Paris for a fun, family filled weekend.  Coralie's cousins generously opened up their gorgeous house in the Paris suburbs for all of us to stay in for the weekend.

We have been to Paris a few times before, but this time was special because we were able to enjoy daily life in the area with family - staying with Coralie's family, spending time with Rob and Coralie, enjoying long lunches at street side cafes, wandering the streets and shops, and enjoying the gorgeous late summer weather.

On the first day in Paris, after having a late lunch we decided to take a tour on the "hop on/hop off" tourist bus. The round trip 2.5 hour tour was a pleasant way to see all of the Paris sights again and refresh our memories on the history at the same time. The weather was absolutely beautiful for an open rooftop bus tour!

Surprise - short hair!!

Not a cloud in the sky!! 

Silly Eiffel tour selfies
On the second evening, Coralie's relatives prepared a spectacular seafood feast.  It incorporated some new critters that I hadn't ever tried eating before - sea snails! They have quite a rubbery texture, nom nom....
Dinner is served!

The Blanchard family + us after dinner
Meet my salty friends (from left to right): crevettes (small shrimp), langoustines (no idea what the English translation is?), regular shrimp, crab, sea snail, land snail

1 comment:

  1. I love your hair and your sea friends!!! I love escargot if it's covered in butter and garlic... totally fine, right? :)
